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Sandy Springs, GA, United States
An aspiring 21st Century educator

Monday, January 25, 2010

A comment on my last post contained the following: " it is hard to keep up with email accounts, blogs, wiki's, Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, MySpace, texting, instant messages, chats and whatever else we can manage to fit into our "spare time"!"
Isn't Technology great! The idea behind all of the above mentioned networks and communication tools is to free up our time, increase our effeciency, enhance communication, and what has it all done? Bogged us down, distracting us from our work and down time! All my Friends and Followers pinging my laptop and my phone are expecting immediate response! We used to be able to set aside time in the day to answer phone calls, or even answer emails, but nowadays people expect immediate response to the text or email, and God forbid you are online and don't immediately respond to a chat request! It is hard to play mafia wars when chat requests keep popping up on the screen! just while writing this post my little purple "E" is bouncing like mad. Sure I could turn it off, but then it may be 10 mins or more before I return the message...horrors! Ok. Vent over. Time to check my Twitter account...


  1. I couldn't agree more. One post that Diane wrote that I agree with is we need to try it all and then decide what we want to use. Can't possibly keep up with all of it and stay sane.

  2. So, what do you do with your free time? Ha ha.

  3. I agree that too much technology can make our lives more complicated, which is the opposite of what it should do. Technology should help make our lives easier.
    I also think that if we as adults find our lives overwhelmed we have to make sure that we are helping children/students make the most of the computer as a tool and not get caught up in all the fun tools out there.
